I used to love the journey Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!! took you on. You would start off with Glass Joe and just beat his ass. We all need a Glass Joe sometimes. Then Von Kaiser. You can say something derogatory about Germans when you fight him. Then Piston Honda, an Asian reference. Don Flamenco... I used to always think he was a homosexual.
Next up was King Hippo. He was cool. I would sometimes let him knock me down a few times just to show my respect.

From there you would fight every race and religion all the way up to Iron Mike. What a great game.

These figures are one of a kind and not for sale. They were made by an artist named Fugazi. Check out his story and explanation here.

I also spotted this T-shirt made by a company named DGK. They also have a line of shirts that says, "I (heart) haters!" Great message. Peep the shirt here.

Epic shit!!! Where can i get these